I'm asking readers for their opinions on the village centers. Which village center attracts the most residents? Which village center has the best mix of shops? Which village center has the best liquor store? In essence, which village center is your favorite and why?
I'm not done. Don't just tell me which village center is the best, tell me which one is the worst. Which village center deserves the most attention and why?
I like Hickory Ridge but River Hill is the best. It has a little of everything (fast food, sit down restaurant, cleaners, jewelry, athletic club, etc.). Bangkok Garden in Oakland Mills is great, but for me that's it for that center.
Wilde Lake is the worst, most of the stores have moved out, cars are being stolen out of neighboring parking lots, and there was a murder there last year. Practically the only business left is the KFC. Thank you section 8 landlords. I bought a condo near there 4 years ago and it was nice, now I can't even walk down the street without someone yelling "F__k you white boy!" from a car driving by. It needs to be rebuilt and include some high end housing so wilde lake doesn't turn into the columbia ghetto.
Speaking of how ghetto parts of columbia are getting.A couple of black guys recently tried to burn down the Wilde Lake village center. They were seen on the Citgo's cameras but not clearly enough to ID them. You wont see any news articles on that (or the guy who was shot in the head on Gov. Warfield near the mall in broad daylight a couple months ago) but you can drive up and see all the fire damage and boarded up windows. There is also a lot of gang spray paint signs going up in the neighborhood. I've seen "B'ULLS" & "Fk" sprayed a lot of places. Hopefully the redevelopment will bring in some classy people to improve the neighborhood and not more section 8. There is a lot of crime here that you don't see reported (in the news) anywhere. We need to push the thugs out of Wilde Lake, not add 500 more rental properties to house them.
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