Friday, March 20, 2009

The Gonzo Lens

The gonzo lens is a mix of participatory and community journalism and photography. Very few of these pictures qualify as newsworthy, yet they are the catalysts of the memories of the everyday.

This post represents many people and yet I'm writing about myself. This piece isn't an op-ed or a single piece of reporting, its self expression. This is what I do, I'm a journalism student. More basic than that, I'm a writer.

I have two midterms next Tuesday, two projects in the works and two blog posts giving me a hard time. But every once in a while its nice to write for fun. Not to say that writing can't be fun but it often isn't. I do my best work when I'm having fun.

While I type, Michael Bloomberg defends Timothy Geithner on the television behind me. Typing Tim into the Google toolbar on my browser prompted Google to complete his name based on relevant back links to him. He's a popular query it seems.

Presidents have said stupid shit in the past. Nixon proclaimed its not illegal when the president does it, Clinton said he didn't do it and Curious George let nucular weapons slip out in public. I will always remember Obama's special olympics slip-up. His comment isn't funny, his lousy 129 average is.

1 comment:

Jennifer Sardam said...

I look forward to reading more from you! What a great idea for a blog.